The world today is faced with many problems. Poverty being one of them has not been eradicated in many parts of the world, and as a result, still spawning a number of other problems including crimes and the spread of diseases. Armed conflicts and terrorism have not become any less frequent and in addition to that, the threats from the use of nuclear weapons have not diminished. Besides the political clashes around the world, we are also faced with serious environmental problems such as global warming and the long-term sustainability of natural and human resources.
One of the important keys in tackling the problems is ?international cooperation?. For many centuries, humanity has made huge efforts in working towards ?international cooperation? and has used it to try solving problems that have occurred from time to time. However, when the efforts didn?t succeed, the problems were not only unresolved, but often took a turn for the worse which resulted in major disputes.
JAL scholarship program 2009 will look into areas where international cooperation has worked effectively and brought about good results. Also, its drawbacks will be studied with consideration of what should and can be done to make international cooperation truly meaningful.
Scholars will attend seminars by distinguished speakers as well as pioneers in various fields, forums and discussion sessions, and field activities in Tokyo and rural Japan. They will also get to experience living with Japanese host families under the home stay segment of the scholarship. Throughout the program, scholars will have ample opportunity to get to know the Japanese people and culture, fulfilling another important objective of the program.
- Requirement
- Write Essay in English using Theme of "International Cooperation ? My view on its achievements and drawbacks"
* Please read above for more about theme. - Type in A4 paper + 800words (No handwriting allows)
- Should be Indonesian Citizenship age min.20yrs max.25yrs old with undergraduate S1 or S2. (KTP & Student ID).
- Have a strong command English.
Please send your Essay with CV and recent pass photo (2 each size of 3x4 and 4x6 back ground white) not later than 12 March 2009 to:
JAPAN AIRLINES INT'L CO., LTD. (ESSAY DIV.) Wisma Kyoei Prince Lt 2 JL.Jend. Sudirman Kav 3-4, Jakarta 10220 |
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